Preventing Canine Illness
As of late November 2023, there is currently a canine respiratory illness that has been occurring in parts of the country. News stories are saying there are hundreds of cases across the country, including some in Chicago.
Hyde Bark has not encountered any cases of this illness. If your dog has been here and has been diagnosed with any kind of respiratory illness, we kindly ask that you notify us right away so that we may inform the rest of our clients
Should your dog stop coming to daycare?
We will be remaining open as normal, and are continuing to take dogs for all of our services each and every day. Unless your dog is at high risk, we do not recommend that you stop coming. This is especially true since it may take months for researchers to develop a solution, which could possibly be a new vaccination. If you live in the city, especially in a high-rise, the source is an airborne illness as suspected, and the situation becomes widespread, your dog will likely become exposed one way or another at some point.
Researchers do not recommend that you go dog parks for now, as dog parks can have unvaccinated dogs!
Our Strategies
Hyde Bark has developed many strategies to combat this risk, and safety is our top concern. We do not believe that many pet businesses are taking these steps, and they further demonstrate what sets us apart.
No dogs allowed who are coughing or showing signs of illness. We do not allow dogs to enter our facility who are showing signs of illness, including coughing.
CIV and Bordatella vaccinations required. We require the newest Canine Influenza vaccination (CIV), called H3N2, for all dogs who use our services. We also require Bordatella (also called Canine Cough). Vets indicate that these vaccinations help fight off respiratory illnesses.
Other vaccinations recommended. Based on advice from veterinarians, we are strongly recommending the Adenovirus 2 and Parainfluenza vaccinations.
Two weeks to build immunity. Vets recommend that if your dog is receiving a vaccination for the first time, that you give at least two weeks afterwards in order to build immunity before joining other dogs.
Fresh air. We have a sophisticated HVAC system that brings in tons of fresh air, and exhausts old air, several times per hour. This is highly effective in removing respiratory contagions from the building. We also have a medical grade air purifier.
Seamless flooring. Our floors are completely seamless, so they don't harbor bacteria and are as easily cleanable and sanitary as possible.
Cleaning. We clean constantly! Notice how our lobby always smells so nice? Our cleaning equipment is highly effective and specifically designed for doggy daycares and veterinary offices.
Outbreak response. Even though we have all of these resources in place, an outbreak is still technically possible. If this is the case, we follow a protocol to ensure the safety and well-being of the pets in our facility, including communicating with our customers, taking dogs to the vet if necessary, keeping them out of group play, monitoring their health carefully, and deep-cleaning our facility often.
If your dog has a minor cough, that does not necessarily mean it is due to the virus. You should consult with your vet if you have questions!
Treatment and Recovery
Veterinarians treat cases according to the severity of symptoms. Treatment may include antibiotics, especially if a bacterial infection is suspected. It may also include supportive therapy or oxygen support. With treatment in a timely manner, many pets are recovering over the course of 1-2 weeks, although some are taking longer than this.
The most important factor is that if your dog starts to show symptoms, to go see your vet right away for treatment. We recommend calling first, so you don't bring a sick dog into their lobby.
We also recommend ensuring that your dog's Canine Influenza and Bordatella vaccinations are current. This is required for coming to our facility.
Risk Factors
Dogs at the highest risk have the following factors:
Advanced age
Compromised immune system
Underlying health condition
Unvaccinated (we require these for coming to our facility)
Puppies who have not received their full set of vaccinations (not including Rabies)
Please note that Hyde Bark does not reimburse customers whose dog may develop a respiratory illness during an outbreak